My computer is turning everything dullish-coloured. Anyways, the dance on Wednesday night was not as bad as I thought it would. Let me just start from afternoon. When I came home, Emi was just casually sitting there on my couch in my room. Now, if it wasn't her, I'd freak a bit, but since Emi was Emi, I just said hey. She told me that we should get ready for the dance together. That is the last thing I'd ever expect her to say, but I said OK.
We had to supercurl her hair and hitch it into a way-high ponytail so it was an okayish length.
So when we arrived at the dance, someone stopped me by the door, which really disturbed our plan to pretty much camp out at the snack bar. I waved for Emi to go on and turned to face whoever it was.
"Hey." James said. "Who'd you bring as your date?"
"Ha. Ha. No one. You already know that." I replied.
"Well, not until just now."
"Yeah. So you really are coming with nobody as your date?"
"Pretty much."
"Well, that's good, isn't it?"
"Why? So you can laugh at how dateless I am?"
"Dude." James said. "I don't have a date either."
THAT is where I realized something-- I really liked James. I mean, nothing. He invited me to dance, so I went and told Emi I was going for a dance, only she was talking to Dawson. Apparently, Juliana had gone to the bathroom. So I went and danced. And couldn't believe how stupid I'd been for twelve years. He was the one for me. Seriously. After the song ended, I went back to the snack bar because I was feeling unsettled with my old newfound discovery (ha. ha). I asked Emi what her Dawson thing was about, and she just said nothing. so I looked over to Dawson who was at the other side of the room with Juliana, who funnily enough was wearing the same dress as Belle.
They were dancing normally enough, so I turned back to the snack bar and reached for another marshmallow cookie...but a hand stopped me.
"Enough eating!" the snack lady said. "Seriously, did you girls come here just to eat?"
"Pretty much." Emi responded.
"Well go dance! Have fun! You don't get to do this often! Shoo!"
We walked onto the dance floor and stood under the spotlight awkwardly. That is, until James and Dawson came up to us.
"Dance?" James asked me.
"Dance?" Dawson asked Emi (WHAT??).
"Where's Juliana, the queen of superficiality?" Emi asked.
"Queen of the bathroom, I think you mean." Dawson replied.
I didn't hear any more because James and started dancing, but I did see this...
So Juliana came out of the bathroom and caught them dancing. I'm not going to lie, it was hilarious.
"WHAT! DAWSON? GOTH GIRL?" she screamed. "WHAT?"
"Oh, hey, Juliana. Her name's Emi." Dawson said, all casually.
"I'm your date!" Juliana screeched
"Really? I thought the bathroom was."
"Why didn't you go home?"
"Because I was on a date with you, Hot Dawson, and I wasn't going to cut it short! No way!"
"Did you just call me Hot Dawson?"
"Maybe. That's what everyone calls you. Face it, Dawson, all the girls want you."
"Not everyone!" I chipped in.
"Everyone unrelated to Dawson, anyways!" Juliana snapped.
"Uh, I don't, either." Emi said.
"Then why were you dancing with him?"
"Because he asked me."
"Wasn't going to ask for you back."
"You weren't?" Juliana blinked.
At that point, she ran into the bathroom again. She just can't tear herself away from her bathroom date. Emi and I went back to the snack bar, James joined us.
Drawing of actual photo |
<3 Cathy