Sunday, 22 September 2013


Okay, so maybe this post is about more than just dancing, but I'll get to the dancing-ness eventually.

Or maybe not eventually, but right about now. 


Because my school is so amazingly creative, they are hosting one of those semi-formal dances. Since it's semi-formal people my age go insane and everyone starts asking everyone else to the dance. Sheesh. It's not like it's a PROFESSIONAL ADULT BALL or anything. 

So today usually-cheery Belle was like a storm cloud. And then we walked into the lunchroom. 
Lately, Dawson has been hanging with Juliana. He's asked her to the dance. Really. I thought he could do better. Juliana is one of those mega-popular narcissistic slut superficial spray-tanned fake-blonde phony over-sporty conformists. She also kind of looks like some sort of airbrushed model Belle. Anyways, I always thought Belle had a thing (eyebrow waggle) for Dawson. So that explains her recent grumpiness. And pathetic excuses to come to my house.
They get worse and worse until eventually...
Oh, yeah, but he was with Juliana so Belle kinda left. The dance is on Wednesday, so I have only got a few more days to find a date.

Wish me luck (or I could just go alone)
<3 Cathy

P.S. I found out something interesting: Dawson is considered one of the hottest guys in school. :| Ew right? Unless you're Juliana or Belle.

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